
Has it ever crossed in your mind the thought "What the f do I want to do in life?". You know, I thought I figured out everything in my life. Not everything, but at least I knew myself better. My passion. My goals. My purpose. Little did I know, I would still end up in this shitty situation, again. Unmotivated. Unmoved. Detached.

This is the worst feeling, after all. I thought I was thriving. Balanced. But no, it wasn't the case. Ever since I stopped being consistent on my physical activities and hobbies, it made me ultimately depressed. Plus my freshman year is shit (not on my grades btw). I don't know why I got the sudden hit of unmotivation. I was doing well. I don't know what to do. I don't know what makes me truly happy. I am so eager to explore but I'm so drained to continue. I just don't know.


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