sc stuff again and again!!

So Ms. Lorna asked me if I could move the meeting to today at 8PM instead of tomorrow since she can't attend tomorrow. BUT GUESS WHAT SHE WASN'T ABLE TO ATTEND TODAY AS WELL NO WAY. I feel like she fell asleep or she forgot there was a meeting LOL. But yeah, with that, I'm the only one who will lead the meeting then. I was nervous already before the meeting BUT IT MADE ME MORE NERVOUS when I knew Ms. Lorna isn't gonna be there LOL. I don't know where to start but what matters is that I get to finish it and I did a good job YAY!! They were fun to talk to and it made me more comfortable with them since they were closer with each other!! BUT YEAH THE MEETING WAS SUCCESSFUL ALTHOUGH I could've progressed with the project proposal if Ms. Lorna had been there. BUT ANYWAY IT ALL WENT WELL AND I FELT RELIEF AFTER THE MEETING HEHE. I was able to assign tasks to them so it's good hehe!!
Other than SC stuff, I was able to draw today! It looks pretty nice to me. I'm looking forward to practicing painting in my next session to add some challenge yay!

 I did my habits today:

I'll read next time when I find a book.


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